Saturday, February 27, 2010

Katlynn's blog!

So I am eventually going to blog on all 3 girls,  but I wanted to get Katlynn started first while things are fresh in my mind.  Here is a link to her page and you can also click the link to the top left, (over there <----) and get to it that way.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Is it really possible for a 2 year old to love puzzles so much?  I mean, it's a great thing if you ask me.  It's cheap, fun and pretty easy to store.  Well, that is until you have the mighty 2 year old who completes the puzzle a couple times masters it and then wants a new challenge and new puzzles. 

Audrie has enjoyed puzzles since she was sitting up.  She has progressively gotten better and better at them and if they had a puzzle competition for 2 year olds, I think she would do really well.  We are now graduating out of 24 piece puzzles, but it is a pain in the butt to find cheap 30-32 piece puzzles. 

Anyhow, it is a hoot to watch her put them together. She really is focused on it and really concentrates on what she is doing. 

Anyhow... we had a lot of fun today.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Can I vent a little?

So our Freaking nice ass refrigerator took a dump on us today. Compressor went out. We had to pay some dude $45 just to tell us that it is going to cost us about $800+ to replace it or we need to replace the fridge. Why, why, why??? Why does this crap happen to us? Can’t we ever get ahead?

I mean I am grateful Dave and I manage really well as a family of 5 on 1 income. We are pretty smart with our money and we get our bills paid and manage to save, and then WHAM! We get hit with something stupid. Then of course things come in 3’s, right! Well, last week our toaster oven went out which is only minimal, yes... but the fridge is a much bigger cost. What’s next? Call me a pessimist or whatever, but I am pissed off and bitter. This really sucks. Granite, it is only a fridge, but come on already. Cut us some slack. We never ask for anything and Dave works his ass off to support us and now with Katlynn being in therapy, Halle has started to play off the attention and the time it is taking away from here and is now acting out. It has been so chaotic around here the past couple months and I have to admit I am pretty stressed out. Thankfully, I have the most amazing husband and a couple great friends who are my rock.

Our 3 year anniversary. I love you, sweetheart!!

I will be glad when the girls can start preschool and maybe some of this craziness can dwindle down a bit and I can feel like my old self again. If not, I am going to be big as a house from emotional eating and hacking up a lung because I start smoking a pack a day.

I have faith though, there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Could be worse, but right now, I just wanted some peace in my life. Just a tiny bit for sanity’s sake.

Okay, I am over my pity party, I think I will go shopping. Shopping always makes a girl happy… even if it's just for a new fridge.

Friday, February 12, 2010


Dave was taking Audrie to lunch to meet me and he said there was a really slow driving moving through the parking lot and he finally was getting annoyed and said, “Hurry up dickweed!” Audrie responded with, “move it dickweed!”

Dave thought it would be cute to sing the rhyming song- chuck ,chuck,chuck, bo buck banana fanna fo_______ and of course Halle finished off the chorus with ‘FUCK”. Dave is sitting beside me chuckling as if his sneaky plan was amusing. It was quite funny because I really thought Halle would catch herself and, actually, she did. After she said it she got all quiet and made a nasty face at Dave. He tried to get her to repeat it and she said, “no way dad!”

Can’t help but love this age and the way they soak up everything.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Is it really possible for a sweet 7 year old girl to be such a slob? I spent 3 hours cleaning Halle’s nasty room yesterday and I was appalled at what I found under her bed. There was everything from dirty AND clean clothes to pens, markers, and glue. Her bed was missing the sheets and her closet was in shambles. This is an ongoing battle with our house. I am going to take before pictures next time to show everyone how deceiving this girl is. Then I will post AFTER pictures to show what I do to manage it.

I am dreading the day she turns into a teenager. I was never like this as a young girl. I think I was pretty tidy and liked my room clean. Of course my mother was a clean freak housekeeping Nazi as it was, so if I didn’t do it, I know she would have came after me with a wooden spoon. Yes, she did do that. Much of the time I could dodge away from the strike and run down the hall laughing at her, only to piss her off more. Ha, Ha, ha… Good times.

She has no problem rubbing in my face that my time of HELL raising 3 girls is coming. I think it already has, but the future; I am dreading. I remember when mom used to tell me before I got pregnant with the twins, that she wished I would have twin girls who were as evil as me. I guess I got kicked in the tail with some good Karma, because she was right.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Giggle of the day~

I was playing Brain Quest with Audrie and we came to a picture of a car.  I asked her what a car was for and where it takes people.  Her response was, "cars take us on aventures". 

Here is a picture of daddy and Audrie playing some Mario Cart on the Wii.

Couples Retreat to Mammoth

So we had our version of couples retreat to the snow this past weekend. Dave and I went with 2 other couples to Mammoth, Ca. It snowed on us practically all weekend, but it was fun.

Friday we started off a half day of snowboarding. Just trying to pick up where I left off with lessons. The snow is quite different then Mt. high. It was all powder and a lot of it wasn’t even groomed. This is Ski/snowboard lingo if you don’t understand feel free to google it. We sat in the hot tub while it was snowing, but it was actually very nice.

Saturday we went up early and spent most of the day snowboarding. I know I was ready, but could not bring myself to get off the bunny/beginner slopes and Dave finally convinced me and boy was I pissed once we got going. This is a huge difference in the grade of the slope and length. I was not mentally prepared and I was cussing Dave left and right. I ate crap one time and that about did it for me. I was about to say, “screw this” and walk the rest of the way down. Thankfully, I have a very patient and loving hubby who convinced me I could do it and I did make it the rest of the way down safe and with no falls. Couple snowball fights here and there and then us girls called it a day. The guys went back up to black diamond runs and we hit up a bar for some shots and hot coco with peppermint schnapps. It hit the spot. We played Balderdash and Therapy (god knows we all need it).

Sunday we went snowmobiling. It was pretty fun. Unfortunately, we had to follow a 20MPH speed limit which sucked big time. Of course it would not be normal if I didn’t do something stupid. So I felt it was most important that I flip my snowmobile in it side not 1, but 2 times. Luckily, I didn’t get crushed underneath it.

Overall it was a great weekend, even with the snow.