This past 3.5 years has been such a daze to me. From finding out I was having twins, to moving, starting new schools, new jobs, and health issues. It's all happened so fast, I haven't even had time to really get used to it all. Do you ever adjust? I am not sure any mother really ever adjusts to the ever changing lifestyle of motherhood.
It has been interesting to see the difference in developing personalities in both girls. Even though Katlynn is Autistic, she is so different from Audrie in many ways. I do notice they really do look out for each other and they know when one of them is missing from something. I am glad they have each other in that aspect. Audrie will always look out for Katlynn and she will be my second set of eyes.
Katlynn has blossomed in speech recently and is getting more into game play with peers and friends. She is still in her own little world, but she is not fighting the world so much anymore. She is accepting and learning from it. It is making things a littler easier on us. As she is learning new things and developing positive habits, she is also learning how to manipulate and work us. I am pleased with her progress and am glad she is doing well. In fact, she has been the best eater in the house and the best behaved out on public. She also now knows most of her letters by recognition and can say many letters and numbers orally. She's mastered all of her shapes and a few colors.
Audrie is also blooming academically and socially. She is such a leader and a friend to most everyone. She moved up to the 3-5 year old gym class a few weeks ago and is a great listener and very well behaved in class. She is still completing her 24+ piece puzzles with ease and is now getting into writing and cutting. We're moving at her pace, but she really seems to enjoy learning and being challenged. She will sit through stories and pick up really well with games. She knows all her number 1-20 both verbally and visually as well as all her letters and their sounds. We're still working on some lower case letter recognition, but she knows pretty much all of them. She can spell her name and tell you her birth date. We have been working with her on our city and state and then we will work on our phone number once she has that down.
They have grown up so much the past couple years. I miss my babies and it is all so bittersweet. Before I know it, I will have 3 teenage girls and I think I have a lot of stress now...