Saturday, July 02, 2011

Update on Dave and I

Dave went for a follow up on June 28th.  Everything is looking better.  All his test results came back normal.  They are going to do another EEG (to test for seizure activity) and another lumbar puncture to make sure the infection is clearing up completely.  He is still off work hoping to go back light duty in the next couple weeks.  He still can drive for a few months, but at least he can get back to work.  He seems to be feeling a lot better.  Dr. gave him the okay to exercise again so we are both happy about that and we can now resume our training the the 1/2 marathon.

I've been busy with the kids this Summer doing several different activities and outing.  I am blessed to be so fortunate to be able to be at home with them during these precious years. It has been so rewarding and so special.  Dave has been such a great father and man.  I have started looking into some part-time positions in the special education field.  It would be mostly paraprofessional positions since I don't have my degree.  I do plan on going back to school part-time this year while the kids are in school. It's time for me to start spreading my wings and focusing on a career alongside mommy-hood since the girls are getting older now. I need to have something lined up by the time they are in 1st grade, so I better get a move on it.  I have been working out regularly and walking with my local moms group almost daily.  I haven't been running much, but am hoping to pick it up again in the next couple weeks.  I had a suspicious mole removed about a week ago, so I have been taking ti easy with lots of movement since it was near my knee.  

Over-all we're doing good and keeping busy all the while trying to stay healthy and have fun.  The kids are growing up so fast.  Katlynn is a talking machine now.  So sweet and so bright.  Audrie is my 4 year old who acts like a much older/wiser kid.  She is so smart and witty. Halle's enjoying Summer camp and drawing and working on her artistic creative juices.  


Mons night out with the ladies.  We had a blast at the New Kids concert and a fabulous dinner.