Sunday, January 17, 2010

On another Autism research kick

Well, I am sure many if not all of you know Katlynn has Autism. She was diagnosed in late July 2009. If, it had been up to me, it would have been months sooner, but I finally became the squeaky wheel and demanded her be evaluated and when she was old enough Dr.s finally agreed to assess her. Her diagnosis came back just as I suspected- classic autism. Long story short, I was an autism book reading, internet searching zombie for the first 2 months. The only thing on my mind was to find out about this “diagnosis” my daughter had. I began talking to other people and gaining more and more information. So now I know the definition of autism, spectrum disorders and treatments. I am still baffled at research studies with fraternal twin girls. There is virtually no information out there. My case seems less common in the autism world. The percentage for fraternal twin girl(s) having Autism is pretty low from what I can find. I am sure there are still hundreds of cases undiagnosed out there, but I would love to be part of a research study and get more information on the possible link between genetics and fraternal twin girls and autism. I would also like Halle to be studied. Somewhere, somehow, I think there is a genetic link between my two girls, but I can’t get people to see that. I honestly think, sometimes, both girls should be on the spectrum. Halle only shows sensory issues and no other red flags for anything under the spectrum umbrella, but she and Katlynn have so many similarities and I am just very curious. I contacted a couple medical universities with Autism research programs to see if they are conducting any research studies so we will see if they get back to me and maybe I can gain more insight on all this.

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