Sometimes I get to wrapped up in my world of mommy hood/wife I forget the meaning of friends and how hard it is to come by really great friends. I must say I am blessed in that department and I feel I have a very well-rounded diverse set of friends. We are all very different in many ways from styles to political opinions, but at the end of the day we're still really great friends. I have friends who I can go years without seeing and then see then for 1 day and pick right back up where we left off as if there was no time that separated us. I have newfound friends I have met online who have become very important people in my life and who are always there to support me, even from afar.
What is the definition of a really great friend? What is the definition of a true friend? Is there any real certain definition? I mean, we all have different aspects in friends we like/dislike and truly need. For me it is simplicity, minimal drama and competition. I am a competitive person, yes. However, I do not compete for image, friendship or attention. I know I have not been the greatest friend to many people for reasons I have no excuses for. There have also been times where I have withdrawn my friendship from someone feeling it was toxic and that as much as I wanted to be their friend, the jealousy and unhappiness I feel they constantly coveted lead me to a breaking point.
I consider myself a pretty simple person. I don't require a lot out of my friends nor do I get hurt easily over petty situations, but I do feel as though I require a friend who can just know when I need an ear or a break from everything else in life. A friend that will listen about my talking endlessly about Katlynn's Autism even if they could care less about the condition. Someone willing to go out garage selling with me even though I know they hate it (you know who you are) and someone who is willing to accept my quirks, loud obnoxious and tactless mouth and my attitude for what it is and not take what I might (or might not) say/do literally.
The saying is very true. Friends are going to come and go, but they will also be replaced with a new light of friendships. Doesn't mean you forget the past.. you just enjoy the present.
This is a quote I am trying to live by:
“Much of the vitality in a friendship lies in the honouring of differences, not simply in the enjoyment of similarities.”
5 years ago
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