It was the first day of school for ALL 3 girls. Halle is now a 3rd grader and Katlynn and Audrie both started preschool. All 3 love it. Katlynn is already doing wonderful in this new school (which I will add I fought for hard for her to be in) and I really like her teacher. Audrie really likes school and is doing wonderful. The only real issues we have with her is dress code. She wants to wear dress-up style princess dresses and flip flops or dress up shoes to school and it is not allowed, so it a morning battle with her to remind her the rules. Things are great, we're finally starting to get used to the schedule of 3 being in school and so early in the morning. Dave and I have already started volunteering in Audrie and Halle's class. I am blessed to be able to stay at home and be able to do these things. Something that would not be possible without Dave.
Katlyn is still getting OT and ABA outside of school and Halle and Audrie are both doing gymnastics. So our schedule is still hectic and busy, but overall we enjoy and are having a great time watching the kids grow up. For more information on Katlynn's progress, please visit her blog
Seeing the beauty in Autism.

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