Saturday, June 25, 2011

Sassy Pants's first dance recital

Audrie's pictures from her first dance recital.    She is such a hoot.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Finally getting back to normal.

Dave's finally getting much better.  Was a crazy month of May.  He is still off work for another month, but is feeling so much better and acting like himself again.  I am so glad.

Anyhow, as sort of an early Father's Day together we took the kids to Griffith Park Observatory and to ride the ponies.  We finished off the Day with a meal at Saddle Ranch.  Kids had a blast.

It's just my phone, but I was able to get a family picture today.  Not the greatest, but it will do until we can get another one this winter.

HAPPY FATHER'S DAY everyone!!!

Saturday, June 11, 2011


We went to Doheny State Beach yesterday to spend some time with some friends (we do it annually for Megs birthday) .  Kids had a great time as always even though it was chilly.

Friday, June 03, 2011


Well Dave's back home from the hospital.  We ended up in the hospital with him again on Friday, May 27th,  after leaving Legoland.  We were out to lunch and he wrote down on a napkin that his mouth was numb and he could not speak.  I immediately panicked and wanted to take him to the hospital.  Luckily, where we were in Mission Viejo, where they had a hospital across the street.    By the time we got there,  Dave couldn't really speak (but could walk and everything)but he was trying to tell me his right arm was going numb.  Again, I am panicking more. They ran a bunch of tests and after a couple hours, his feeling in his arm and speech came back (it was crazy). Since the hospital was not a Kaiser, the Dr.s (who were great there) phoned KP and suggested he be seen in the Kaiser ER.  So Dave was transported to Kaiser Irvine Friday late.  He was there for 4 days.  Several more tests including MRI's,  CT's,  Blood work,  EEG, EKG,  Lumbar puncture, and Chest X-ray were done.  He was seen by a fresh new set of eyes.  While they still have not found what exactly is the cause of the aseptic meningitis, it was nice to see much more professional and helpful Dr.s  The facility was nicer and much better.  They up'd his anti-seizure medication and it seems to being doing it job so far.  He's still really tired,  and has head and neck pain, but he says he is feeling better.  I am glad to have him home and hoping they get these cultures back soon with some answers to all this.  He is off work for a few weeks until he's all better.

I took the 3 kids (along with some friends) to the Huntington Library/ Botanical Gardens yesterday for the FREE day.  They had a great time.  It gave Dave some time to take care of work related stuff and some time to rest.