Monday, April 26, 2010

my love for laundry...NOT!

Laundry is a term most domestic housewives love and a word most real women HATE. I have 3 little people in my house (and 2 big ones, but I can assure you and I not a frilly queen or a clothes whore who changes 5x a day), yet they managed to build mounds of laundry that could probably reach the ceiling in accumulated into one space. How is this possible? I do not wish to have Mt. Everest in my house or standing tall in front of my washing machine.

I feel as though I never catch up. Yeah I know that is a cliché thing to say coming from a mom of several kids, but it’s true. If you think about what a huge task it is… it just sucks. I allow my kids to be kids. I don’t have them wear bibs anymore and I don’t stress about clothes getting dirty and I pretty much let them wear anything on any given day. Life’s too short and if you get “that” Easter dress specifically for Easter and they wear it that one time, what’s the point? This is coming from a mom who used to have Laundry OCD and a very serious case. Just ask my husband. I was the laundry police. Everything was perfectly sorted, pre treated and most thing hung dried. I am serious. I was incredibly anal about what the kids wore and when and about them getting dirty. Bibs were a must and grass was not allowed. Then, I got a reality check and just became a mom. A more fun, go with the flow mom. We’ll thank my mellow and chill husband for that.

I still find myself cringing at the thought of clothes being dried that “ I” didn’t want to dry or that a towel was not washed with the sheets, but now a days, I am just happy when I can see the bottom of my laundry room floor.

I hate laundry!

Off topic about blog topics

So I was reading this bloggers website about topics to blog about. One of the topics was, “What is something that really rubs you the wrong way?”

So I got to thinking about all sorts of things from crappy drivers to parents who let their kids be animals in public places. Then I got to thinking about the one thing that really bothers me. It is Jealousy and people who are overly jealous of the most ridiculous things.

I am not a jealous person what so ever. I probably used to be, but have learned over the years from boyfriends to girlfriends and family, that life is just way to short and 99.9% of things people get jealous about are petty. It ruins marriages, families, and friendships. Need I say more?

This is a quote I live by.

“The jealous are troublesome to others, but a torment to themselves”

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Well, my Rancho/Fontana group walked for the Ronald McDonald house was successful. We raised $1,200 and had a great time supporting a great cause.

Along with a couple other friends, we decided to take the kids to LaBrea Tar pits for the rest of Saturday afternoon. They enjoyed running up and down the same hills I did when I was their age (I will find those pictures someday and add them on here). They weren’t too interested in the whole story behind the tar pits and history, but they enjoyed themselves anyhow.

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Easter 2010

Easter was a fun and low key event around here.  We just spent the day at my in-laws house with my niece and nephew.  The kids had a good time and enjoyed hunting for eggs.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

The rest of March wrapped up into one post.

So guys, I am a busy gal and I am trying to keep up with blogging, but it seems as though I can't find the time with everything going on these days.

March sure came…. and went with a flash. Dave had a nice long vacation and Halle has spring break. We celebrated St. Patty’s day at home with corned beef and veggies and some rainbow cupcakes I made for the kiddos.

We took the kids to Disneyland for a couple days and as always they had a blast. They got to eat breakfast with the characters and swim at the pool. It was a really nice couple days and we had a great time.

A friend and I took Audrie and Jacob to the Claremont Botanical Gardens to have lunch and check out the plants. They had a really good time and I got to take some decent shots on the camera.

Audrie is really into this PINK girly dress up princess stage and insists on wearing a pink dress daily. Well her lovely little friend, Drew, came over and decided there had to be some mystery behind why wearing a pink dress was such an ordeal, so he joined in on the fun.

Halle has been doing great in school. She lost 2 more teeth over the past couple weeks and only has 1 more to go and I think she has lost all her baby teeth that have come in. Here is her Spring picture.

Oh, and not that anyone cares, but I got to meet a couple of the gals from the Real Housewives of the OC.  Lynne and Tamra. Thanks, Diette for inviting me!