Saturday, February 13, 2010

Can I vent a little?

So our Freaking nice ass refrigerator took a dump on us today. Compressor went out. We had to pay some dude $45 just to tell us that it is going to cost us about $800+ to replace it or we need to replace the fridge. Why, why, why??? Why does this crap happen to us? Can’t we ever get ahead?

I mean I am grateful Dave and I manage really well as a family of 5 on 1 income. We are pretty smart with our money and we get our bills paid and manage to save, and then WHAM! We get hit with something stupid. Then of course things come in 3’s, right! Well, last week our toaster oven went out which is only minimal, yes... but the fridge is a much bigger cost. What’s next? Call me a pessimist or whatever, but I am pissed off and bitter. This really sucks. Granite, it is only a fridge, but come on already. Cut us some slack. We never ask for anything and Dave works his ass off to support us and now with Katlynn being in therapy, Halle has started to play off the attention and the time it is taking away from here and is now acting out. It has been so chaotic around here the past couple months and I have to admit I am pretty stressed out. Thankfully, I have the most amazing husband and a couple great friends who are my rock.

Our 3 year anniversary. I love you, sweetheart!!

I will be glad when the girls can start preschool and maybe some of this craziness can dwindle down a bit and I can feel like my old self again. If not, I am going to be big as a house from emotional eating and hacking up a lung because I start smoking a pack a day.

I have faith though, there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Could be worse, but right now, I just wanted some peace in my life. Just a tiny bit for sanity’s sake.

Okay, I am over my pity party, I think I will go shopping. Shopping always makes a girl happy… even if it's just for a new fridge.

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